Cable car, Brest


  • Contracting authority :

    Sem Tram (France)

  • Years :

    2013 - 2015

  • Project manager :

    Radiance (light design) - Avant-Première (transport design) - Michel REDOLFI (sound design)

“Between clouds and sunny spells”

As part of its deliberate urban renewal policy, the city of Brest has launched a cable car project to link the city centre to the future Capucins eco-district by crossing the Penfeld river.

The lighting design plays with these sensations in its exterior and interior programmes.

The concept is inspired by the particular local weather and its «light phenomena», giving the Brest cable car its own identity.

Thus, the cable car are decorated with the colours of the rainbow or of the season.

The pylon symbolises the encounter between the elements: lighting, storm and thunder… A subtle play of light starts  as the cabins cross one another by the pylon for a unique sensory experience.

Photo credits : Dominique Leroux
  • Infographie: Radiance35