Ribaucourt street, Molenbeek-Saint-Jean


  • Contracting authority :

    Municipality of Molenbeek-Saint-Jean

  • Years :


  • Project manager :

    Radiance35 in collaboration with BUUR

The project aim is to revitalise  the Ribaucourt street to connect the historic neighbourhood and the maritime neighbourhood. 

Radiance35 suggest a luminous continuity to  improve the legibility of the entire axis, without denying the specificities of the street in terms of night-time uses.

Two conceptual schemes emerge from the Lighting Plan: a qualitative harmony and luminous breathings.

Changes to the public lighting offer a real urban continuity and improved light feelings.

«Coloured luminous breathings» mark urban breathings enhanced by the daytime project.  A playful and scenic lighting offers to identify each area of urban intensity.  Both ends are highlighted to create luminous beacons inviting the user to explore the entire street. 

Photo credits : Radiance35
  • Plan Radiance35