Light plan, Avenches

Plan Avenches synoptiqueJvrt

  • Contracting authority :

    Municipality of Avenches

  • Years :

    2022 - 2023

  • Project manager :


“Secret murmurs”

Avenches lighting plan aims to discover the specificities of the territory to highlight them at nighttime, while preserving biodiversity and making energy savings.

To do so, the lighting plan analyses three “subjects”: the territory, the usages and the lighting.

To the end of understanding the nighttime usages, Radiance35 organised a participatory process. In Autumn 2022, Radiance35 organised, with the residents, an exploratory walk, nighttime trials (using small portable lighting equipment) and a workshop.

The concept of “secret murmurs” was then developed. Inhabitants and visitors of the town are invited to rediscover Avenches and its warm and welcoming atmospheres.

The next step is to support the municipality in implementing this lighting plan.

Photo credits : Radiance35