Grote Markt and Oude Markt, Louvain

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  • Contracting authority :

    City of Louvain

  • Years :

    2017 - 2021

  • Project manager :

    Radiance35 and Elettra Bordonaro


The project aimed to enhance the two major squares of Leuven at nighttime: the Grote and the Oude Markt.

For each square, a different night-time atmosphere which corresponds to its uses was created: 

– For the Grote Markt a neutral white lighting which highlights the solemn architecture of the historic buildings 

– For the Oude Markt, a white warm lighting which creates an atmosphere that invites people to lounge was used. The profiles of the gables are highlighted by a cold white light, which changes according to the different phases of the moon.

A participatory workshop was organised to accompany this project.

Photo credits : Karl Bruninx et Radiance35